The non-profit organization „Local Action Group Zavet - Kubrat“, called for short LAG is a public-private partnership among the non-profit, business and public sectors on the territory of the municipalities of Zavet and Kubrat, set up as a non-profit legal entity, according to the provisions of the Non-Profit Legal Entities Act. The Association has been established within the project under sub-action 19.1 "Support for preparatory activities" of action 19 "Community-led local development" from the Program for Rural Development 2014 - 2020 (PRD) to provide grants to the municipalities of Zavet and Kubrat from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (MAF) and State Fund “Agriculture” – Paying Agency (SFA – PA). As a result of the implementation of the activities financed under the above mentioned project, a Strategy for Community –Led Local Development (CLLD) of LAG Zavet - Kubrat was developed.
An Agreement was signed on 21.10.2016 in Sofia between the Managing body of Rural Development Program and NPO “LAG Zavet – Kubrat” Agreement N RD50 – 139/21.10.2016 for the implementation of the Strategy Community-led local development of “LAG Zavet – Kubrat"
The Developing Strategy for the CLLD has been allocated a financial plan of 2933700,00 BGN and will allow all active entities registered under the Trade Act, farmers and processors, non-profit legal entities, etc. to apply for projects to the LAG Zavet - Kubrat.
The scope of the community-led local development Strategy on the territory of the LAG "Zavet - Kubrat" coincides with the administrative territorial boundaries of Zavet and Kubrat municipalities of Razgrad District and includes all the settlements.
The main objective of the Strategy is to achieve a balanced and sustainable development by supporting and diversifying economic activities, preserving the natural environment, developing high quality services, meeting the needs and expectations of the local people. The strategy of the CLLD of the LAG Zavet - Kubrat targets at creating preconditions for overcoming the lagging compared to other regions of the country and for gradual growth.
By developing and implementing this Strategy, local communities in the area strive to plan the social and economic development of the area, based on the needs of local people and businesses, giving realistic consideration and consistent understanding of the long-term potential of the area.
By uniting the people, resources and territories of the two neighboring municipalities, the Association "Local Action Group Zavet - Kubrat" sees its mission as follows:
Activating the local community on the territory of Zavet and Kubrat municipalities as the main driving power for achieving sustainable social and economic development.
The participants in the process of preparation of the CLLD Strategy have the following vision for the future on area of action of the LAG "Zavet - Kubrat":
„A territory combining two adjacent municipalities with advanced and competitive agriculture, diverse economic activities and a favourable business and living environment for people of all generations”.
The Strategy is seen as an instrument to support the development of traditional economic sectors, to encourage and create new economic activities, to improve the environment and the quality of life of people.
Through the Strategy, investments will be made, leading to modernized agriculture, investing in the processing of agricultural products, increasing the competitiveness of existing businesses and their diversification with new activities, support for small publicly significant projects, thus resulting in the provision of diverse jobs as a prerequisite for employment and income, the retention of young people in their homes, a better living environment for people of different ages and social groups. The difficulties and the current complicated economic situation in the EU countries, including Bulgaria, act as incentive for local communities to make this change towards successful economy and a high quality of life, and the current Local Development Strategy is an important instrument in this respect.
With a view to improving the economic and environmental performance of farms and rural businesses, increasing the efficiency of companies, working in the agricultural and food sector, including the creation of small processing and marketing facilities in the context of short supply chains and local markets, providing the necessary infrastructure for the development of agriculture and forestry and supporting the irreversible investments needed to achieve the environmental objective support should be provided for investments in tangible assets contributing to the achievement of these objectives.
(municipalities, population, area)
LAG "Zavet - Kubrat" covers the territory of Zavet and Kubrat municipalities, which are situated in northeastern Bulgaria, near the border with Romania. The area of the LAG is 745,10 sq.km. The territory hasa population of 25 823 ihabitants as of 31.12.2017. The administrative - territorial structure is made up of 2 towns - Zavet and Kubrat and 22 villages (6 in Zavet municipality and 16 in Kubrat municipality).
Strategy For Community – Led Local Development of Local Action Group “Zavet - Kubrat”